Sunday, May 4, 2008

May Presidency Message

Dear Sisters,

How wonderful it is to be part of the Relief Society. We have so many opportunities to help one another in service, feel each others love, and experience much growth. I am grateful for the opportunities that the Relief Society provides and I am a much better person because of it. I hope that you too are grateful for the Relief Society and all that it provides. We all have different circumstances and come from different backgrounds, yet we all have one thing in common, we are sisters in the Relief Society.

I would like to leave you with a thought from our General Relief Society President, Sister Julie Beck. "You are each unique and precious. Each of you has your own burdens and challenges, which gives you the blessing of turning to the Lord for help. We also have the opportunity to assist the Lord by providing relief for others, which is the greatest, fastest solution to lonliness and hopelessness and a sure way to obtain the companionship of the Spirit. All we need to do to start offering relief is to get on our knees and ask, "Who needs my help?" Every sister--married or single, young or old--is needed in this relief effort, and it is what we should do better than anyone else."

What a wonderful message. We are all a part of this Relief Society and each one of us is very much needed. I hope you as sisters in the Heber 8th Ward know that we need you and are grateful for you. I know that our Savior loves each one of us and is there for us. Thanks for all that you do in helping the sisters in our ward.

Sister Simper

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